History. The New Haven Camera Club was established in 1911. It was a charter member of the American Association of Camera Clubs that later became the Photographic Society of America. You can read more about the history of the club here: www.newhavencameraclub.org/p/history.html
Appendix B: Club Bylaws
Section I: Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall consist of the Officers, Chairpersons of standing committees, two members at large and the retiring President. All other appointed personnel shall also serve on the Executive Committee.
a. The Executive Committee shall have the power to transact the business of the Club.
b. Five members shall constitute a quorum.
c. The Executive Committee shall meet at least once a year. Other meetings of the Executive Committee may be called at the discretion of the President.
d. The President may be a member, ex-officio, of all committees.
Section II: Responsibilities of Officers
a. President presides at Club and Executive Committee meetings, appoints Committee Chairpersons, performs other usual duties.
b. Vice President for Inside Competitions: Conducts electronic photograph and print competitions at the Club; acts for the President in his absence.
c. Vice President for Outside Competitions: Handles club entries into competitions sponsored by groups other than the New Haven Camera Club; acts for the President in the absence of both the President and the Vice President for Inside Competitions.
d. Treasurer: Is custodian of Club funds; renders bills and collects dues; pays all bills authorized by the President and/or the Executive Committee; keeps account of receipts and expenditures; reports financial condition of the Club at each Executive Committee meeting.
e. Secretary keeps minutes of Executive Committee meetings; keeps official copy of By-Laws up to date; handles official Club correspondence.
Section III: Responsibilities of Chairpersons
a. Program Chairperson: arranges the programs for the regular meetings.
b. Membership Chairperson: accepts applications for club membership; maintains a current roster of members.
c. Judges Chairperson: obtains judges for club competitions; provides NHCC judges for other clubs on request.
d. Field Trip Chairperson: plans field trips for the club.
e. Publicity Chairperson: prepares newspaper notices of meetings.
f. Refreshments Chairperson: sets up coffee and other refreshments for meetings; maintains supplies; arranges for members to contribute refreshments.
g. Workshop Chairperson: organizes workshops to benefit our members.
h. Scorekeeper: keeps scores for club competition; awards ribbons to winning photographs.
i. Blog Editor: Writes and publishes the NHCC Blog which provides information on NHCC programs and activities.
j. Webmaster: maintains the club website.
k. Historian: keeps club records, trophies, and memorabilia from previous years.
l. PSA Representative, NECCC Representative, CAP Representative: serve as a liaisons between the New Haven Camera Club and these organizations.
Section IV: Elections
a. The President shall appoint a Nominating Committee at least one month before the election. The Nominating Committee shall consist of three members who are not officers of the club.
b. The officers shall be elected by a voice vote at the May meeting.
c. The new officers shall assume their duties after the annual banquet.
d. In the event of an elective office becoming vacant during the term, the Executive Committee may name a replacement until the next election.
Section V: Membership
a. Persons, high school age or older, interested in photography may become members to the Club upon payment of dues and are thereby eligible to full participation in all activities. New members must be residents of the state of Connecticut (or full time students studying at a Connecticut school), but once a member you may remain a member even after moving out of Connecticut. As a condition of membership, each member must sign a liability waiver in order to participate in club activities.
b. A person visiting the Club regularly shall be asked to become a member.
c. In appreciation of outstanding service to the Club, Honorary Memberships may be granted upon recommendation of the Executive Committee.
Section VI: Dues
a. The annual dues shall be determined by the Executive Committee.
b. Dues must be paid before entering competitions.
c. No dues shall ever be requested from an Honorary Member.
d. Individual joining after March 1st shall pay the full annual dues which will include membership for the following year (new members only).
Section VII: Finances
a. The finances for the Club’s activities shall be arranged by the Executive Committee.
Section VIII: Order of Business
a. The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order Revised shall govern the Club in all cases to which they are applicable.
Section IX: Amendments to Bylaws
a. Amendments to these bylaws, if proposed in writing and approved by the Executive Committee, may be adopted by a two-thirds vote at a regular meeting of the Club where there is a quorum present. A quorum consists of ten members. Notice shall be given to the membership prior to the meeting at which the amendments are to be presented.
Appendix A: Club Constitution
Article I Name
The name of this organization shall be NEW HAVEN CAMERA CLUB.
Article II: Purpose
The purpose of the club shall be to promote interest in and knowledge of photography and to provide an opportunity for improvement of members’ skills, in an atmosphere of friendship and camaraderie.
Article III: Club Year
The club year shall run from July 1 to June 30.
Article IV: Membership
Any person, high school age or older, interested in the study of photography is eligible for membership. New members must be residents of the state of Connecticut (or full time students studying at a Connecticut school), but once a member you may remain a member even after moving out of Connecticut. As a condition of membership, each member of the NHCC is required to sign a liability waiver in order to participate in club activities.
Article V: Officers
The officers shall be President, Vice President for Inside Competitions, Vice President for Outside Competitions, Treasurer and Secretary. Their terms shall be one year.
Article VI: Meetings
Meetings shall be held on the second and fourth Monday of each month, September through April and on the second Monday of May. No regular meetings are held in December. However, a Holiday Banquet is held each December. The Awards Banquet is held each June.
Article VII: Amendments to Constitution
Amendments to the Constitution, if proposed in writing and approved by the Executive Committee, may be adopted by a two-thirds vote at a regular meeting of the club where there is a quorum present. A quorum shall consist of ten members. Notice shall be given to the membership in the Close-Ups bulletin preceding the meeting at which the amendments are to be presented.